Again, I don't know if this is the right site, but I'd be open to talking with anyone with an objective and spiritual mind.
Mel, I try to be objective as possible, but like everyone else on the planet subjectivity run strong in my thinking. So my objectivity may not be 100 % but I see where you are coming from(subjectively of course). As far as spiritual I try to keep an open mind but not so open my brains fall out
I'm interested in after life discussion as some of the threads I started recently shows. I'm trying to give some meaning to my life as yet I can't put my finger on it or what is the meaning of life, perhaps that is the biggest question we face. I was a serious Watchtower bible student for about about 30 years 18-48, held on to my belief in the bible for about 4 years after leaving their grip, eventually I had to give up belief in the bible and explore other lines of thought.
Let me just say in conclusion I think it is great that you stumble on this site please look up different stuff on this site about topics you are interested in you might find something of benefit and by all means keep doing research about the WT organization.